
Assign IDs to Buffer Descriptors Configured in the Runtime Sequence


Create CoreOp, MemOp, and FlowOp of AIE dialect

Lower toplevel ‘call’ operations with implicit data movement into aie.core, aie.mem, and aie.flow operations with explicit data movement. The tile tile associated with the operations is inferred based on the aie.x and aie.y attributes of the call operation. e.g.:

func.func @aie_task(%arg0: memref<256xi32>, %arg1: i32) -> () {
%a = constant 0 : i32
func.call @aie_task(%buf, %a) { aie.x = 1, aie.y = 1 } : (memref<256xi32>, i32) -> ()

will result in:

%0 = AIE.tile(1, 1)
%1 = AIE.buffer(%0) : memref<256xi32>
%2 = AIE.buffer(%0) : memref<1xi32>
%c0_i32 = constant 0 : i32
%5 = AIE.core(%0) {

In this case, each argument to aie_task results in an explicit buffer accessed by the core.


Generate physical lock ops from logical lock (token) ops

Tokens represent high-level buffer synchronization through a sequence of pipeline stages. This pass lowers token operations into physical aie.lock operations.


Lower configured DMA tasks to NPU instructions



Lowering herds with place and route ops to AIE cores, mems, and switchboxes

An experimental pass which elaborates herd operations (e.g. aie.herd, aie.iter, aie.select) into an explicit representation (e.g. aie.core, aie.mem, etc.).


Replace combination of broadcast and packet-switch by packet-flow

Replace combination of broadcast and packet-switch by packet-flow


Lower aie.memcpy operations to Flows and DMA programs

aie.memcpy operations are an experimental high-level abstraction which move data from one buffer to another. This pass lowers them into appropriate aie.flow and aie.mem operations.


Lower AIE.multicast operation to AIE.flow operations

This pass replaces AIE.multicast operation with the equivalent number of AIE.flow operations. The lowered AIE.flow operations have the same source port but different destinations.


Concretize aie.bd_chain ops at aiex.start_task use sites

Inlines pre-defined aie.bd_chains at aiex.start_task use sites to become aiex.dma_configure_task and aiex.dma_start_task ops.


Replace symbolic references to aie.shim_dma_allocation ops with their (tile, direction, channel) triple


Lower AIEX operations

AIEX Npu Ops are removed.